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Maxthon 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Maxthon  ログを変更

# New Feature:
+ Tab Sync.

# Improvement:
* Improved Mouse Gesture and the right-click menu of webpage.

# Fixes:
[Webkit Core]
* Caches needed to be cleared manually when they worked exceptionally.
* It could not save the certified dialog passwords.
* Right-click menu did not work well.
* Support blob:file protocol.
* It could not open some pages.
* Application cache events could not log in Console of Developer Tools.
* Mouse scrolling problem in some vedio pages.
* Diplay problem of .

# [Platform]
* Multiple language support in development.
* Some interface problems.

Maxthon 3 ビルド

Maxthon 注釈

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