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7,805 ダウンロード

Maxthon 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Maxthon  ログを変更

* fixed security issues arising from an IE WebBrowser Control vulnerability

* fixed problem that favorites are not imported when online favorites service is disabled
* fixed problems relating to system directories, like send to desktop
* fixed slow Maxthon exit problem under some circumstances

[Find in page]
* can use up/down arrow or mousewheel to scroll through matches
* the input field will be highlight if no match is found
* fixed problem that match result dialog sometimes empty
* fixed problem that skin settings are not used

* fixed a crash problem of AutoUpdate when DEP is enabled
* added a print page setup menu command (have to reset menu bar)

Maxthon 2 ビルド

Maxthon 注釈