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Kaspersky Antivirus Beta

3,327 ダウンロード

Kaspersky Antivirus Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Kaspersky Antivirus Beta  ログを変更

25145 Negative values in "Good Mail" database counter
27016 Paretnal control internet limiter
27886 Support: freezes while copying from a floppy, which is open for writing
29187 All windows are not presented in PIW before restart after code entry
29385 OAS:archives with viruses are not detected, if chineese names are inside
30221 SUPPORT: freezes during an OS startup
30354 Anti-Spam window does not appear to be looking good
30480 Broken OnAccess filtration for files without extentions
30511 Firewall: packet rules are not handling if an ipv6 address is filled in
30540 Computer boots up 3-4 mins.
30544 ODS: Hangs after stop/start when an alert is raised
30567 Ushata.dll in present from - invaluable gift to hackers
30573 Strange request for email password after build install
30593 Vista, ODS: Boot sectors are not scanned on hard drives
30598 Vista, OAS: Accessing CD an infected boot sector is not detected properly
30609 Firewall:the packet does not arrive if logging is enabled
30614 OAS: the floppy is not detected with a corrupted boot-sector
30632 Missing in trial versions, in the product notification about different threats text (see an attach)
30652 A message notifying about missing or corrupted black list upon install
30677 AntiSpam: incorrect status for TraningWizard.
30704 Missing "black.lst" in the build's signatures
30705 Window looks "Anti-Spam Training" in PIW. extra divider which is missing in other windows
30706 Spontaneous resume of auto protection
30711 Different names for actions in different program settings
30724 GUI: in the compatibility prompt window need to add an OK button.

Kaspersky Antivirus 7 ビルド

Kaspersky Antivirus 注釈

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