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Kaspersky Antivirus Beta 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Kaspersky Antivirus Beta  ログを変更

23786 Time frames are not sorted ascending in the Time Limit settings
27886 Support: Freezes copying from floppy, which is unlocked for writing.
30011 Office 2007 on Vista Ultimate - Antispam causing Outlook to crash - IMAP account
30018 BL,2K: After ~10 mins of stress-testing "Stop-Start" updater proccess does not unload
30360 The tickbox does not uncheck "Protection of Confidential Data"
30393 SRF:308894512 buttons spam/notspam disappear when opening any folder
30511 Firewall: packet rule does not work if IPV6 address is set
30524 Error 1705 causes confusion
30530 OAS: Changing modes during delayed desinfection causes a crash
30548 Firewall: the source of attack is indicated as dead::3549%9
30579 Crash during accessing of TrustedZone
30583 Product crashed during auto tests on all stands

Kaspersky Antivirus 7 ビルド

Kaspersky Antivirus 注釈

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