stats統計: 30,053 バージョン の 1,966 プログラム

ソフトのタイトルを選ぶ... あなたが愛するバージョンへのダウングレード!

X-Chat 2.8.5b

53 ダウンロード

X-Chat 2.8.5b 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

X-Chat 2.8.5b  ログを変更

  • Fixed: If you set your away reason blank in the settings, it was impossible to set yourself away using the Away menu item.
  • Added a setting in the logging section: Display scrollback from previous session, which is the same as /set text_replay. Also improved the way these scrollback files are periodically shrunk, previously they could get too large.
  • Fixed /EXEC not showing any output on Windows Vista.
  • Added a /SHELL command to execute via command line interpreter. e.g. try /SHELL Dir

X-Chat 2 ビルド

X-Chat 注釈

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