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Opera 12.10 Beta 1 (Build 1615)

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Opera 12.10 Beta 1 (Build 1615)  ログを変更

# Fixes and Stability Enhancements
* General and User Interface
- Incorrect behavior with webpages occasionally stuck 'loading' forever
- Cache update process would not be properly aborted when navigating away from site before update finish
- Errors with keyboard shortcuts in 12.50 while using Russian layout
- Problems loading Flowplayer with Flash 11.4
* Display and Scripting
- Pages would no longer fit-to-width when zooming under certain conditions
- JavaScript added to the DOM by a bookmarklet would not load
- XPath problems when using a literal predicate
- Unable to complete secure transaction (with an error) under certain conditions
- Opera isn't connecting to some secure pages correctly
- Opera doesn't use X-OC headers from HEADERS frame sent by turbo-spdy server
- Minor error with SVGStringList
- Allow document.execCommand(copy|cut|paste) on non-editable documents
- Errors related to prefix changes in CSS Transitions, Animations and Transforms
- -o-linear-gradient not recognizing legacy position/angle syntax
- LocalStorage problems in Dragonfly and extensions
- Using WebSocket('ws://.') causes a syntax error, breaks Modernizr feature detection
- Accessing the parentNode object too early in page load fails
* Mail, News, Chat
- Keyboard shortcuts in the mail compose window would be repeated twice under certain conditions
* Network and Site-Specific
- and Errors when appending scripts to doc.written element
- Netgear router configuration pages: Links take an extremely long time to come up
- Some links not working
- - People: Clicking on an entry doesn't show contact information
- FileReader's readAsDataURL fails with large images

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