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MyDefrag 4.2.7

9,319 ダウンロード

MyDefrag 4.2.7 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

MyDefrag 4.2.7  ログを変更

# Changes:

* Fixed a bug that caused the screensaver to sometimes crash. The problem was an indirect result of a fix in v4.2.4.
* Fixed a bug that could cause the AddGap() action not to be executed.
* Fixed a problem that caused the gap for the NTFS reserved area to be filled again.
* Fixed a bug that could crash the program during analysis.
* Changed the behavior of the MaxRunTime setting.
* Changed the way the bootblock on FAT disks is read, to support non-default sector sizes.
* Changed the subroutine that vacates files out of the way to move NTFS compressed files more quickly.
* Added the "memory full" message to the translatable messages.
* Fixed a bug that would always create the registry keys, even if only being read.

MyDefrag 4 ビルド

MyDefrag 注釈

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