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mIRC 6.03
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mIRC 6.03 ログを変更
- Fixed perform on connect sorting bug.
- Fixed numeric 330 bug.
- Fixed menubar and toolbar flickering when switching windows.
- Fixed ! on INPUT processing bug.
- Fixed $read/etc. freeze bug when used with invalid filenames.
- /window -o no longer activates a window.
- Fixed switchbar multi-line display bug.
- Fixed /window -h and Alt+F1 bug.
- Fixed up/down keys not working in certain windows.
- Fixed dcc ignore bug.
- Fixed /timer bug, was triggering too early in some situations.
- Fixed /window -h displaying minimized icon for a window when switchbar was turned off.
- Shift+DoubleClick on a line in the Channels List window now joins the channel minimized.
- Fixed bug in highlight feature.
- Fixed remote toolbar button right-click menu bug.
- Nick color list now allows you to add an item with no color selected.
- Fixed background picture display bug when a window is resized.
- Fixed listbox selection/cursor bug which affected listboxes in dialog windows.
- Fixed /load command triggering multiple on load events.
- mIRC now supports the IRCX events KNOCK, WHISPER, EVENT, PROP on any server that sends them, not just an IRCX server.
- Added on LOGON event, triggers before and after mIRC sends the
standard PASS, NICK, and USER messages to the server.
on ^*:LOGON:*:echo Logging on to $network $server
on *:LOGON:*:echo Logged on to $network $server
If you /halt the event, mIRC will not send the standard logon messages, allowing to send your own messages.
- mIRC will again try to rejoin a channel even if it was +i or +k, since there are situations on some networks where the rejoin will work.
- Fixed /set -u0 bug not unsetting variables in some situations.
- Fixed enter key bug in empty channel nicklist.
- Changed $ticks back to old method due to bug in Windows high performance timer which returned incorrect values.
- Now handles numeric 378 in whois replies.
- Fixed fileserver window not being closed on a time-out.
- Fixed window active titlebar display bug when certain Window tile/cascade options were enabled.
- Fixed /did -k not triggering events again if halted once.
- Fixed debug window not showing entire raw line if it contained a $cr or $lf.
- Fixed on START bug caused by loading custom dialogs during the event.
- Fixed memory bug in script parser.
- Fixed /load /unload not treating short/long filenames as the same file.
- Notify list titlebar now shows total number of notify users online across all server connections.
- Added $window().sbtext and .sbcolor properties.
- Can now mark/copy text backwards or forwards.
- Fixed $base() bug not handling negative numbers correctly.
- Added $ialchan().pnick property.
- Added $serverip identifier, returns server ip address.
- Added /editbox -f switch, sets editbox focus.
- Added $nick().idle property, returns idle time in seconds for nick on a channel, ie. the time since the user last sent a message to the channel.
- Fixed on CONNECTFAIL bug.
- Fixed $mklogfn() bug.
- Fixed proxy authentication bug.
- Added idle time option to nick color list dialog. Also added $cnick().idle property.
- Fixed $asctime() bug.
- Fixed /ignore -u bug.
- Added exception masks option to firewall dialog.
- Fixed dcc server ignore bug.
- Can now specify %variables in a dialog item definition, and the
%variable will be set with the contents of that item when the
dialog is closed, eg.
edit \, 2, 10 10 100 20, autohs %test
- Online timer now handles multi-server connections.
- Changed $input(prompt,N,window,title,text), where N is:
e - show input editbox
p - show input password editbox
o - ok button
y - yesno buttons
n - yesnocancel buttons
v - return $ok, $yes, $no, $cancel for buttons
iqwh - show the info, question, warning, and hand icons
s - indicates that window name has been specified
a - activate dialog
- Fixed @window menu bug relating to $1 value when no item was selected in a listbox.
- Added $md5(text|&binvar|filename,[N]) identifier, where N = 0 for plain text (default), 1 for &binvar, 2 for filename.
mIRC 6.03 スクリーンショット
mIRC 6 ビルド
- mIRC 7.43
- mIRC 7.39 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.38
- mIRC 7.37 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.35 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.31 (Beta)
- mIRC 7.29
- mIRC 7.27
- mIRC 7.25
- mIRC 7.22
- mIRC
- mIRC 7.19
- mIRC 7.17
- mIRC 7.15
- mIRC 7.14
- mIRC 7.1
- mIRC 6.35
- mIRC 6.34
- mIRC 6.33
- mIRC 6.32
- mIRC 6.31
- mIRC 6.3
- mIRC 6.21
- mIRC 6.2
- mIRC 6.17
- mIRC 6.16
- mIRC 6.15
- mIRC 6.14
- mIRC 6.12
- mIRC 6.11
- mIRC 6.1
- mIRC 6.02
- mIRC 6.0
- mIRC 5.82
- mIRC 5.81
- mIRC 5.8
- mIRC 5.71
- mIRC 5.7
- mIRC 5.61
- mIRC 5.6
- mIRC 5.51
- mIRC 5.5
- mIRC 5.41
- mIRC 5.4
- mIRC 5.31
- mIRC 5.3
- mIRC 5.11
- mIRC 5.1
- mIRC 5.02
- mIRC 5.0
- mIRC 4.72
- mIRC 4.7
- mIRC 4.6
- mIRC 4.52
- mIRC 4.5
- mIRC 4.1
- mIRC 4.0
- mIRC 3.92
- mIRC 3.9
- mIRC 3.8
- mIRC 3.72
- mIRC 3.7
- mIRC 3.64
- mIRC 3.6
- mIRC 3.51
- mIRC 3.5
- mIRC 3.42
- mIRC 3.4
- mIRC 3.2
- mIRC 3.1
- mIRC 3.0
- mIRC 2.7a
- mIRC 2.5a
- mIRC 2.4a
- mIRC 2.1a
- mIRC 2.1
mIRC 注釈