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Miranda 0.9.5

5,634 ダウンロード

Miranda 0.9.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Miranda 0.9.5  ログを変更

- Added ability to paste files into the message window
- Improved UPnP performance

- Fixed crashes with OS older than Windows 2000
- Fixed log scrolling down on message reception
- ICQ: Fixed large icon retrieval
- ICQ: Fixed not setting all the contacts offline on connection failure
- IRC: Removed warning when manually going offline
- IRC: Fixed connect on start failure
- IRC: Fixed status handling on disconnect
- Jabber: Fixed icon in group chat invitation
- Jabber: Full XEP-0118 “User tune” conformance
- Yahoo: Fixed random crash

Miranda 0 ビルド

Miranda 注釈

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