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K Lite Codec Pack 3.50 (Full)

3,258 ダウンロード

K Lite Codec Pack 3.50 (Full) 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

K Lite Codec Pack 3.50 (Full)  ログを変更

* Updated ffdshow to revision 1534
* Updated DivX to version 6.7.0
* Updated AC3ACM to version 1.4
* Removed AC3Filter.ACM
* Added madFLAC version 1.4
* Removed FLAC plugin for DC-Bass Source
* Updated Gabest AVI splitter to version
* Updated GraphEdit to build 061102
* Gabest AVI splitter is now enabled by default instead of the standard Microsoft splitter
* The pack is now able to play .amv files
* Reorganized some components in the installer. Audio decoders and audio parsers are now listed in two separate groups
* Minor changes

K Lite Codec Pack 3 ビルド

K Lite Codec Pack 注釈

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