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iTunes 4.7

18,987 ダウンロード

iTunes 4.7 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

iTunes 4.7  ログを変更

  • View photos on your iPod photo
    If you have an iPod photo, you can transfer photos on your computer to your iPod photo using the iPod pane in iTunes preferences.
  • Easily spot duplicate songs in your library or playlists
    Choose Edit > Show Duplicate Songs to see only songs with the same title and artist.
  • Float the Mini Player window in front of all other windows
    Make the iTunes Mini Player window float in front of all other windows using the new preference in the Advanced pane of iTunes preferences. You can also minimize the Mini Player to the task bar or system tray.

iTunes 4 ビルド

iTunes 注釈