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Immunet Protect Free

6,019 ダウンロード

Immunet Protect Free 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Immunet Protect Free  ログを変更

* Fixed Immunet using high CPU usage and Disk IO after completing a full scans or installing a large application.
* A new "Send file metadata for analysis" option has been added to the the Community Settings. This feature helps Immunet determine when applications have become infected by new types of previously unseen malware.
* Memory leak fixes for long running agents.
* IPtray (GUI) typo and crash fixes.
* Fixed a case where the Spero Engine could fail to initialize correctly.
* Fixed a bug where running on domains could cause Immunet to re-register with the Cloud.

Immunet Protect Free 3 ビルド

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