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Growl for Windows 2.0.3

7,721 ダウンロード

Growl for Windows 2.0.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Growl for Windows 2.0.3  ログを変更

- added support for multiple monitors (Display SDK, built-in displays, and most additional displays)
- added ability to allow LAN requests (same subnet) to be exempt from having to provide passwords
- fixed a bug in GrowlConnector that caused intermittent notification loss (both from app and when forwarding over GNTP)
- fixed a bug that caused the activity monitor (idle checking) to not start correctly if the settings form was never loaded
- fixed Twitter forwarding regression (Expect100Continue header)
- released Boxcar forwarding plugin

Growl for Windows 2 ビルド

Growl for Windows 注釈

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