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Flock 1.2.5

3,999 ダウンロード

Flock 1.2.5 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Flock 1.2.5  ログを変更

New Flock Updates in 1.2.5

* Users of the New Facebook pages can now set their status in the People Sidebar.
* Drag and drop behavior to Facebook Wall posts in New Facebook pages is corrected.
* Twitter Mecard Status and Friend status’ in the People sidebar will now be up-to-date with the Twitter site.
* The media bar will now properly display mini views for Youtube search results.
* The media detection icon beside the URL bar will now function properly for detected Picasa media streams.

Flock 1 ビルド

Flock 注釈

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