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FileZilla 3.3.4 RC1

5,274 ダウンロード

FileZilla 3.3.4 RC1 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

FileZilla 3.3.4 RC1  ログを変更

# New features:

* Filter/search by modification date
* Add "does not equal" option to size filter
* Reduced memory consumption when working with very large queues and directory hierarchies

# Bugfixes and minor changes:

* Fix bug in TinyXML that could lead to corrupt XML documents
* Abort directory listing parsing if encountering a line with more than 10k characters
* Fix stalling recursive operations if FileZilla gets disconnected
* Set correct initial control state in site manager if there are no sites

FileZilla 3 ビルド

FileZilla 注釈