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Feed Demon RC

1,528 ダウンロード

Feed Demon RC 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Feed Demon RC  ログを変更

* Added: Significant performance improvements to NewsGator synchronization (including feed updating, "Resynchronize," etc.)
* Added: "Find Feeds" added to File menu
* Added: When multiple pages exist in the current newspaper, a thicker border appears at the bottom of all but the last page (119673)
* Changed: "Show news items" has been dropped from the default toolbuttons on the browser toolbar (but can easily be added back by clicking the dropdown to the far right of the browser toolbar)
* Changed: FeedDemon now checks for a new version every three days when "automatically check for new versions" is enabled (previously checked every day)
* Fixed: Incorrect "next" behavior when viewing a folder newspaper for the only folder with unread items (114754)
* Fixed: "File in use" error following initial sync after starting FeedDemon (most commonly seen on Windows Vista)
* Fixed: Bad character data in "Popular in Everyone's Subscriptions" causes garbage character (usually a box) to appear
* Fixed: Clipped titles in news item list (119707)
* Fixed: Synchronization fails to find new items even when they exist in NewsGator Online

Feed Demon 2 ビルド

Feed Demon 注釈

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