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4,834 ダウンロード

Evernote 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Evernote  ログを変更

- New Login/Registration page
- Updated EULA for 2012
- Numerous bullet point bug fixes
- Added support for dragging and dropping attachments/images to MS-Office apps
- Find for PDFs starts from the current page of the PDF
- Notebooks sync upon sharing if the notebook hasn't been synced before
- Copy Note Link Starts Sync if a note hasn't been synced before
- Sync on Exit checkbox under Tools >> Options
- Fixed Find in PDF bug where only first term is highlighted
- Fixed limit on notebooks/stacks in dropdown
- Fixed issue where notes print at larger font size than expected

Evernote 4 ビルド

Evernote 注釈