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CCleaner 2.33.1184

4,376 ダウンロード

CCleaner 2.33.1184 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

CCleaner 2.33.1184  ログを変更

- Added support for Flock 3.0.
- Improved database compacting to only run when needed.
- Improved Index.dat files cleaning for IE8 to include IECompatCache, IETldCache, PrivacIE folders.
- Improved accuracy of cleaning status messages.
- Improved localization and language support.
- Improved UI text formatting for Cleaner screen.
- Fixed Startup Tool double-clicking behavior on Win9x.
- Minor improvements to Registry Cleaner on Windows 7.
- Added Kurdish translation.

CCleaner 2 ビルド

CCleaner 注釈

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