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Beyond Compare 3.2.3

5,156 ダウンロード

Beyond Compare 3.2.3 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Beyond Compare 3.2.3  ログを変更

# Notable Changes
- Fixed "Update Left" and "Update Right" Folder Sync sessions from 3.1 and earlier incorrectly copying orphans to the source side. Broken in 3.2.0.

# Archives
- Fixed crash when copying .tar contents with implicitly stored folders.
- Timestamps in .tar archives equal to the Unix epoch are now shown as the archive's date instead of 1969 to match other archive types.

# Data Compare
- Fixed "Go to next difference after copying to other side" when copy removes all visible items.

# File Views
- Fixed remote drives reporting "Content Unavailable" if the first attempt to access the drive failed.
- Fixed crash when rapidly repeating "Recompare Files".

# Folder Compare
- Fixed crash when closing after selecting "Align With...".

# Folder Sync
- Fixed "Update Left" and "Update Right" sessions from 3.1 and earlier incorrectly copying orphans to the source side.

- Fixed reading Unix owner and group names from SFTP v3 servers using non-UTF-8 encodings.

# Misc
- Comboboxes with long MRU lists now show scrollbars if the list would exceed the monitor or be longer than 30 items.

# Text Compare
- Fixed "Go to next difference after copying to other side" when copy removes all visible items.

Beyond Compare 3 ビルド

Beyond Compare 注釈

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