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Avast Free Antivirus 5.0.462

3,502 ダウンロード

Avast Free Antivirus 5.0.462 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

Avast Free Antivirus 5.0.462  ログを変更

- important fixes related to the installation of the firewall under 64-bit Windows
- fixed a potential memory leak in the firewall
- Vista/W7: solved a compatibility problem with System Restore
- added access keys – the program can be easily now controlled via keyboard
- solved a problem with the “I only connect to the Internet using a dial up modem” update setting
- fixed multiple issues in the sandbox (plus a few performance improvements)
- this new version is now able to communicate with avast! WHS Edition
- fixed a bug related to the inserting of license files into the program
- fixed a problem in the Outlook plugin related to inserting of notes into HTML emails
- solved a compatibility problem with SmithMicro Poser 8 and similar applications
- improvements in the submission system
- improvements in the Free AV registration system
- better handling of errors in case of real-time shield actions
- improved compatibility with Apple BootCamp
- improved default firewall rules
- low priority scans now use much less CPU (but run accordingly longer)
- components of the avast setup/update process are now digitally signed
- minor improvements in the GUI
- new language packs: Greek, Slovak and Ukrainian. This makes the current number of supported languages 19.

Avast Free Antivirus 5 ビルド

Avast Free Antivirus 注釈

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