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Audacity 2.0.1
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Audacity 2.0.1 ログを変更
- Selection Toolbar: a value for the previous whole second displayed if the value was close to a whole second.
- Finding zero crossings could cause the selection to expand into white space at either side of the clip.
- Clips did not drag to another track if mouse was over a selection.
- Mixer Board: Rendering four tracks resulted in a redundant Track Strip followed by a crash.
Imports, Exports and Files
- Exporting to WAV or AIFF led to a "Libsndfile says" error or corrupted output due to order of metadata in imported files.
- (Mac) Fixed crashes importing MP3 files on PPC machines.
- (Linux Ubuntu) .Aup files could not be associated with Audacity (they opened in the web browser instead).
Effects and Analysis
- Normalize: Fixed issues where normalization could be to wrong value if applied with DC offset correction, or if applied to "read-directly" WAV and AIFF files before On-Demand completed.
- Sliding Time Scale: fixed an audible discontinuity at the beginning of the processed selection; fixed a serious quality problem on Linux 64-bit.
Other miscellaneous bug fixes
- Including fix to prevent zooming with mouse wheel or ball scrolling the content off-screen.
Changes and Improvements
- Shortcuts can now be added in Keyboard Preferences to items in the Generate, Effect or Analyze menus, including user-added plug-ins.
- Nyquist Effect plug-ins can now be added to Chains.
- New "Paulstretch" effect for extreme slowdown without pitch change.
- New "Sample Data Export" Analyze effect for exporting a file containing amplitude values for each sample in the selection.
- New Preference (off by default) to import files On-Demand (without seek ability) when using the optional FFmpeg library.
- New Preference (off by default) to retain labels when deleting a selection that snaps to the label without extending past it.
- (Windows installer) New option to reset Preferences on next launch.
- (Mac) Audacity now has excellent compatibility with the VoiceOver screen reader. For details, please see http://manual.audacityteam.org/help/manual/man/accessibility.html#mac.
- CleanSpeech Mode (no longer supported) will not now be enabled even if it was enabled by an earlier version of Audacity.
- Added Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) translations.
Audacity 2.0.1 スクリーンショット
Audacity 2 ビルド
- Audacity 2.0.3
- Audacity 2.0.2 RC4
- Audacity 2.0.2 RC3
- Audacity 2.0.2
- Audacity 2.0.0
- Audacity 2.0
- Audacity 1.3.9 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.9
- Audacity 1.3.8 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.8
- Audacity 1.3.7 RC2
- Audacity 1.3.7
- Audacity 1.3.6 RC1
- Audacity 1.3.6
- Audacity 1.3.5 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.5
- Audacity 1.3.4 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.4
- Audacity 1.3.3 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.3
- Audacity 1.3.2 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.2
- Audacity 1.3.14 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.14 (98/ME)
- Audacity 1.3.14
- Audacity 1.3.13 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.13 (98/ME)
- Audacity 1.3.13
- Audacity 1.3.12 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.12 (98/ME)
- Audacity 1.3.12
- Audacity 1.3.11 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.11
- Audacity 1.3.10 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.10
- Audacity 1.3.07b
- Audacity 1.3.0 Beta
- Audacity 1.3.0
- Audacity 1.24b
- Audacity 1.24
- Audacity 1.23
- Audacity 1.22
- Audacity 1.21
- Audacity 1.2.6
- Audacity 1.2.5
- Audacity 1.2.4b
- Audacity 1.2.4 (Beta)
- Audacity 1.2.4
- Audacity 1.2.3
- Audacity 1.2.2
- Audacity 1.2.1
- Audacity 1.2.0
- Audacity 1.2
- Audacity 1.0.0
- Audacity 1.0
- Audacity 0.98b
- Audacity 0.98
- Audacity 0.97
- Audacity 0.96
- Audacity 0.95
- Audacity 0.94
- Audacity 0.93
- Audacity 0.92
- Audacity 0.91
- Audacity 0.81
- Audacity 0.80
- Audacity 0.8
Audacity 注釈