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ALLPlayer 5.4

2,519 ダウンロード

ALLPlayer 5.4 0 out of 5 based on 0 ratings.

ALLPlayer 5.4  ログを変更

- reduced up to 10 x the use of the computer's memory
- AVI files and many others are played by embedded codecs that are already in the installer, so there is no need to download anything else to watch these files
- no more flowlist, browsing of images, movie menu creation
- simplified ALLPlayer settings
- video files starts faster
- improved locking of screensaver and turning off the monitor when watching
- improved switching audio tracks and subtitles
- improved settings of your own keyboard shortcuts
- improved centering of subtitles
- improved bug that in rare cases, could even damage built-in codecs
- you can choose in installer whether you want to use ALLPlayer codecs or system codecs
- improved "fast zoom" (PLUS button in the upper right corner of the OSD)
- anti freeze protection (if the program is not responding for a few seconds it restarts itself)

ALLPlayer 5 ビルド

ALLPlayer 注釈

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